(AUDIO) Drake White Wants To Grow In Every Way In 2016

With a new year upon us, Drake White says he has created a goals list for himself. Professionally, Drake says, “As a band, I mean, just continuing to improve our live show and just create moments for people to come in and get lost in a show. I’ve got all the way down to t-shirt designs and things that I want to see on backdrops, things that I want to smell when I walk into stadiums and bars, and all that kinda stuff.”

The most important thing to Drake is to continue to grow, both personally and professionally. He says, “I want to grow as a musician, and grow as a man, and as a writer, be a good husband, and be an entertainer and enjoy where I’m at. That’s my goal, is to keep growin’.”

Drake’s music is continuing to grow with his new single, “Livin’ the Dream,” just starting its climb up the charts. The song will be featured on an album he’s working on called Spark, which he’ll release a little later this year.

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Drake White – future goals :42
“When I look ahead, the one thing that is on my career goal list, as a band, I mean, just continuing to improve our live show and just create moments for people to come in and get lost in a show. I’ve got all the way down to t-shirt designs and things that I want to see on back drops, things that I want to smell when I walk into stadiums and bars, and all that kinda stuff. But ultimately, I just want to grow. I want to grow as a musician, and grow as a man, and as a writer, be a good husband, and be an entertainer and enjoy where I’m at. That’s my goal, is to keep growin’.”


  • Drake White plays a show in Nashville at the Tin Roof on January 27.


OFFICIAL WEBSITE: http://drakewhite.com

FACEBOOK PAGE: https://www.facebook.com/DrakeWhiteMusic/

TWITTER: https://twitter.com/DrakeWhite


Drake White Retweeted Paul Breski ‏@PBreski Jan 10
@DrakeWhite Yes we are “Livin’ The Dream” @SXMTheHighway keep on play’n this great & amazing artist!!!

Drake White ‏@DrakeWhite Jan 6
We’re gonna be #LivinTheDream in 2016, yes sir!!! Who’s with me??

Drake White ‏@DrakeWhite Jan 1
It’s taken every ounce of my being to put pants on today. #newyear #chillin #recharge #gonnasmoke2016

INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/p/_NH3svm-7r/

  • HOMETOWN: Hokes Bluff, Alabama
  • DEBUT SINGLE: 2013’s “Simple Life” (MCA Records)
  • DEBUT ALBUM: Coming on DOT Records.
  • CURRENT SINGLE:  “Livin’ The Dream”


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