Drake White writes a lot of his own music and he says inspirations for his songs can come from anywhere at any time. “I’ve had ideas everywhere from the bathroom to some of the weirdest places,” says Drake. “You get inspiration everywhere. I mean, funerals, funerals are pretty weird to get inspiration but, actually they’re not ‘cause if you think about how epic that is … I mean, gyms, steam rooms, beaches. I don’t know. It’s an interesting question. There’s really not a weird spot to get inspired.”
Drake’s current single, “Livin’ the Dream,” was co-written by Tom Douglas, Jaren Johnston and Luke Laird and will be featured on Drake’s new album coming out this spring.
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Drake White – weirdest place been inspired :25
“I’ve had ideas everywhere from the bathroom to some of the weirdest places. You get inspiration everywhere. I mean, funerals, funerals are pretty weird to get inspiration but, actually they’re not ‘cause if you think about how epic that is. I mean, gyms, gyms, steam rooms, beaches. I don’t know. It’s an interesting question. There’s really not a weird spot to get inspired.”
OFFICIAL WEBSITE: http://drakewhite.com
FACEBOOK PAGE: https://www.facebook.com/DrakeWhiteMusic/
TWITTER: https://twitter.com/DrakeWhite
Drake White Retweeted Casey Johnson @caseyj1231 Jan 29
@DrakeWhite Habajeeba! https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CZ8GBXiUUAAU-8D.jpg
Drake White @DrakeWhite Jan 29
LIVE on #Periscope: #Habajeeba! #K99 https://www.periscope.tv/w/aXwgijQwMjQ0ODl8MURYeHlQeVlQUFJKTVLtADyjtJGqVncj1za-b66dH1OBYUdekw1i1XmL3cgq
Drake White @DrakeWhite Jan 29
Had a great time hanging out with the folks at @TasteOfCountry! Check it out: http://tasteofcountry.com/drake-white-soulful-style/
INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/p/_NH3svm-7r/
- HOMETOWN: Hokes Bluff, Alabama
- DEBUT SINGLE: 2013’s “Simple Life” (MCA Records)
- DEBUT ALBUM: Coming on DOT Records.
- CURRENT SINGLE: “Livin’ The Dream”