(AUDIO) Brett Young Calls His Sound ‘California Country’

Brett Young, who is from Southern California says if he had to describe his sound, he would call it California Country. Brett explains, “What I mean by that is that all of my influences are not necessarily country music, as much as that is my first love, there’s a lot of the R&B and hip hop. There’s oldies and blue-eyed soul and there’s punk rock and there’s also just the element of growing up on the West Coast by the beach, so I think there’s a really laid back vibe to my country music as well.”

You can hear Brett’s California Country style in his debut single, “Sleep Without You.”

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Brett Young – describe sound :25
“If I had to describe my sound I’d probably describe it as California Country. What I mean by that is that all of my influences are not necessarily Country music, as much as that is my first love, there’s a lot of the R&B and hip hop. There’s oldies and blue-eyed soul and there’s punk rock and there’s also just the element of growing up on the West Coast by the beach, so I think there’s a really laid back vibe to my country music as well.”


OFFICIAL WEBSITE: http://brettyoungmusic.com/

FACEBOOK PAGE: https://www.facebook.com/brettyoungmusicpage/

TWITTER: https://twitter.com/BrettYoungMusic

INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/brettyoungmusic/

  • HOMETOWN / ORIGIN: Orange County, California
  • DEBUT SINGLE: “Sleep Without You”
  • DEBUT ALBUM: Coming…


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