(AUDIO) Brett Young Admits He’s A Bit Overly Emotional

Brett Young, whose debut single, “Sleep Without You,” is currently climbing the charts, is a tall, good looking former athlete, but he also admits he’s a total softie who’s been known to cry at movies and other sappy things. Brett confesses, “I am an over emotional, hopeless romantic. That’s definitely true. I do cry at movies.”

Brett admits, “The last time I remember crying watching anything was watching somebody get kicked off ‘The Voice’ ‘cause I know how many hopes and dreams they put into all of that, and the expectations they have, and I know what it feels like to be told no. So, I definitely cry at movies, but last time I remember crying was watching somebody get kicked off ‘The Voice’.”

For now, Brett is all smiles getting to share “Sleep Without You” and some of his other music on his self-titled EP, which is available now on iTunes and Google Play.

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Brett Young – overly emotional :29
“Yeah, I am a over emotional, hopeless romantic. That’s definitely true. I do cry at movies. I think that maybe the last movie to make me cry, that’s a tough one. To be honest, I don’t remember. The last time I remember crying watching anything was watching somebody get kicked off ‘The Voice’ ‘cause I know how many hopes and dreams they put into all of that, and the expectations they have, and I know what it feels like to be told no. So, I definitely cry at movies, but last time I remember crying was watching somebody get kicked off ‘The Voice’.”


OFFICIAL WEBSITE: http://brettyoungmusic.com/

FACEBOOK PAGE: https://www.facebook.com/brettyoungmusicpage/

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  • HOMETOWN / ORIGIN: Orange County, California
  • DEBUT SINGLE: “Sleep Without You”
  • DEBUT ALBUM: Coming…