(AUDIO) Brett Young Found Inspiration In Giving Keys

If you ever see Brett Young in photos or in person, you may notice he is often wearing a key around his neck. The pendant is actually a Giving Key. If you’re not familiar with the Giving Keys, they take old keys and print words of inspiration and encouragement on them. When someone receives a Giving Key with a message they need, they wear it until they feel like they no longer need to be reminded of the message, then they pass it onto someone else they feel could use the message. Brett says, “I have multiple Giving Keys. I have one that says LOVE and then one that says CREATE and one that says BE YOUNG, which is a double meaning because it’s obviously my name, but it’s always a message to don’t lose your youth and they made that for me when I visited the warehouse.”

Brett, who is just beginning his climb up the charts with his debut single, “Sleep Without You,” says, “I think it’s a great thing that [the Giving Keys} do ‘cause it’s not just that they rehabilitate the homeless and give them jobs, but it’s also that their message is strong and they want to help people. The concept of giving a key to somebody who’s going through something to lift them up or make them feel better is, I think, brilliant and a phenomenal idea and I’m behind it a hundred percent.”

You can get Brett’s song, “Sleep Without You,” on his self-titled EP, which is available now at BrettYoungMusic.com.

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Brett Young – Giving Key :33
“I have multiple Giving Keys. I have one that says love and then one that says create and one that says be young, which is a double meaning because it’s obviously my name, but it’s always a message to don’t lose your youth and they made that for me when I visited the warehouse, and I think it’s a great thing that they do ‘cause it’s not just that they rehabilitate the homeless and give them jobs, but it’s also that their message is strong and they want to help people. The concept of giving a key to somebody who’s going through something to lift them up or make them feel better is, I think, brilliant and a phenomenal idea and I’m behind it a hundred percent.”


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  • HOMETOWN / ORIGIN: Orange County, California
  • DEBUT SINGLE: “Sleep Without You”
  • DEBUT ALBUM: Coming…