(AUDIO) Trent Harmon’s Family Was Ultra-Supportive From A Distance

When Trent Harmon was competing on American Idol, he was very particular about not wanting his family in the live studio audience unless and until he made the finals. It was mostly a superstition thing, but when his parents appeared on the show as part of a surprise cooked up by the producers, Trent says he gave them a pass because it was a surprise, but he was pleasantly surprised by their attitude during their visit. Trent says, “They were so cool though. I thought they were gonna like, exchange pleasantries and talk and I said, ‘Hey guys! How are you doing?’ And they said, ‘Look, you have two more songs to sing. Don’t talk to us.’”

He loved that they understood his need to stay in the zone while he was competing. Thankfully all that focus and determination paid off from Trent when he was crowned the final American Idol. Now his debut single, “Falling,” is available on iTunes and he’s working on his debut album.

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Trent Harmon – parents respect process :18
“It was a real surprise. I couldn’t believe it. And it was perfect because I didn’t want them to come unless I made it to the finale, but since it was a surprise I gave ‘em a pass. They were so cool though. I thought they were gonna like, exchange pleasantries and talk, and I said, ‘Hey guys! How are you doing?’ and they said, ‘Look, you have two more songs to sing. Don’t talk to us.’”