Florida Georgia Line will release their third studio album later this summer, featuring their current hit single, “H.O.L.Y.,” and the guys say their Anything Goes album has set them up perfectly for what’s to come next. Tyler says, “This album’s been huge for us, you know? I think everyone likes to put a little bit more pressure on album two, especially with a lot of success off of album number one. Fortunately for us, we tried not to put a ton of pressure on ourselves and just do what we do and try to put together the best songs possible and put together the best tour possible, and last year, I think we did a really good job at both.”

Anything Goes was a great reflection of where Tyler and Brian were at when they made the album, and now Tyler says, “It really set us up for this third album as well, and it’s a smooth transition into our life for our fans, you know? And album two is huge for that. There was a lot of changes that happened over the last couple years in both of our lives, you know? And it’s cool to, you can almost see that throughout the album from top to bottom and kinda feel the change.”

Florida Georgia Line’s next album will be called Dig Your Roots. A release date will be announced soon.

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Florida Georgia Line – what Anything Goes album meant :39
Tyler Hubbard – “This album’s been huge for us, you know? I think everyone likes to put a little bit more pressure on album two, especially with a lot of success off of album number one. Fortunately for us, we tried not to put a ton of pressure on ourselves and just do what we do and try to put together the best songs possible and put together the best tour possible, and last year, I think we did a really good job at both. It really set us up for this third album as well, and it’s a smooth transition into our life for our fans, you know? And album two is huge for that. There was a lot of changes that happened over the last couple years in both of our lives, you know? And it’s cool to, you can almost see that throughout the album from top to bottom and kinda feel the change.”