Tim McGraw leads a pretty comfortable life these days thanks to the success he’s experienced in his career, but he hasn’t forgotten the early days when things were anything but comfortable. Tim says, “I remember when I first signed, I got some gigs right away, and I had no furniture in my house. In fact, I remember, Deano, who plays fiddle for me, before I had a record deal, would come to my apartment and nine times out of ten my electricity would be turned off. And he would call me up and say ‘Hey, I wanna come over and play some music’ and I’d say ‘You have to bring a fire log and some wood because I don’t have any heat. And you have to bring a bag of Doritos’ and we would sit there and play George Strait songs.”

Tim just celebrated his latest #1 song with “Humble and Kind,” which was also named Video of the Year at this year’s CMT Music Awards.

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Tim McGraw – early days no furniture :26
“I remember when I first signed, I got some gigs right away, and I had no furniture in my house. In fact, I remember, Deano, who plays fiddle for me, before I had a record deal, would come to my apartment and nine times out of ten my electricity would be turned off. And he would call me up and say ‘Hey, I wanna come over and play some music’ and I’d say ‘You have to bring a fire log and some wood because I don’t have any heat. And you have to bring a bag of Doritos’ and we would sit there and play George Strait songs.”