Florida Georgia Line is traveling the country on their Dig Your Roots Tour, and they say getting to perform their latest single, “H.O.L.Y.” live is a spiritual experience. Brian Kelley explains, “Tyler will say ‘hey’, he’ll kinda say something right before we go into it and say ‘This is H.O.L.Y’ And it’s electric. I don’t know if we’ve had a song that’s connected us to our fans that quick. It’s amazing. We’re blessed by that song. Our fans are blessed by that song. And, man, we’re very thankful we got to sing on that song, record it, cut it, and tour on it.”

Brian feels like “H.O.L.Y.” has elevated Florida Georgia Line’s show to a place it has never been before and he says, “We’re diggin’ our roots harder than ever. We got our start writing, singing, playing in church. And it sounds kinda like those songs-ishness that we grew up, you know, singing. It’s got a worship, kinda church feel, meets a love song. It’s beautifully written. We didn’t right it, just blessed enough to cut it.”

“H.O.L.Y.” is the first release off Florida Georgia Line’s new album, Dig Your Roots, which they’ll release on August 26th.


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Florida Georgia Line – playing H.O.L.Y. live :46
Brian Kelley – “Man, H.O.L.Y. is, it’s spiritual on tour. You know, Tyler will say ‘hey’, he’ll kinda say something right before we go into it and say ‘This is H.O.L.Y’ And it’s electric. I don’t know if we’ve had a song that’s connected us to our fans that quick. It’s amazing. We’re blessed by that song. Our fans are blessed by that song. And, man, we’re very thankful we got to sing on that song, record it, cut it, and tour on it. It takes our set and our show to a place that we’ve never been, a place that we’ve longed to be. We’re diggin’ our roots harder than ever. We got our start writing, singing, playing in church. And it sounds kinda like those songs-ishness that we grew up, you know, singing. It’s got a worship, kinda church feel, meets a love song. It’s beautifully written. We didn’t right it, just blessed enough to cut it.”