A while back, Brian Kelley and Tyler Hubbard of Florida Georgia Line announced they would be opening a store-front in the Hillsboro Village area of Nashville that would house their publishing company and would also feature a coffee shop.  Tyler recently updated us on the project saying, “We decided that we’re not opening a coffee shop, but we got a whole lot of other things that we’re interested in.  We love coffee, but we decided we weren’t as passionate about slinging coffee as we are about slingin’ a lot of other stuff.”


Brian Kelley offered, “Though, I am one hell of a barista, I will say that.”  Tyler endorsed Brian’s skills, saying, “BK has his own coffee shop in the Treehouse, and I attend often.  But, we do, we like to always try to be creative and we’re always thinkin’ of ideas of how we can make another dollar.  We never like to get bored, but that’s just who we are.”


So for now, Florida Georgia Line says they’re gonna focus on the music and their Tree Vibez publishing company and stick to drinking coffee rather than making it.  Their new album, Dig Your Roots, will be released on August 26th, featuring their latest hit, “H.O.L.Y.,” but some limited edition pre-sale bundles are available now on FloridaGeorgiaLine.com.


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Florida Georgia Line – coffee shop update  :47

Tyler Hubbard – “We decided that we’re not opening a coffee shop, but we got a whole lot of other things that we’re interested in.  We love coffee, but we decided we weren’t as passionate about slinging coffee as we are about slingin’ a lot of other stuff.  So we’re trying to sling a lot of music.  And we’ve been really fortunate enough to get to start a publishing company and meet new writers that we believe in and say ‘Hey, you know, come here, let us try to give you an opportunity the way we were given.”  So we’re really more passionate about that than slingin’ coffee, and we’re just gonna stick to drinking coffee.  There’s a lot of great coffee shops in Nashville. So..”

Brian – “No doubt.”

Tyler – “But, yeah so we’re honestly just entrepreneurs and are creative..”

Brian – “Though, I am one hell of a barista, I will say that.”

Tyler – “BK has his own coffee shop in the Treehouse, and I attend often.  But, we do, we like to always try to be creative and we’re always thinkin’ of ideas of how we can make another dollar.  We never like to get bored, but that’s just who we are.”