Before deciding to pursue music as a career, Brett Young was on track to become a professional baseball player until an injury sidelined his career.  As it turns out, some of the lessons Brett learned while playing ball are coming in handy in the music business.  Brett says, “I think most of the things I’ve drawn from baseball, to help succeed in music have been about work ethic though. You know when you grow up playing sports you’re taught to compete against yourself and to work hard, and the music business is grueling at times and it demands a lot from you and I think that I’m well-equipped because of my background in athletics.”


No doubt Brett’s hard work ethic is coming in handy as he travels the country touring and promoting his debut single, “Sleep Without You,” which is in the top 30 and climbing.


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Brett Young – baseball parallels music  :24

“I think there are some parallels between baseball and pitching, and the music business. I think most of the things I’ve drawn from baseball, to help succeed in music have been about work ethic though. You know when you grow up playing sports you’re taught to compete against yourself and to work hard, and the music business is grueling at times and it demands a lot from you and I think that I’m well-equipped because of my background in athletics.”