When Florida Georgia Line first started out, they liked to party and have a good time and enjoy their success, but as they’ve gotten older, they realize that perhaps they’ve been so blessed with success for a reason and they need to honor that.  Tyler explains, “We’ve gotten to the point where we really feel that a lot of eyes are on us, which is at first kind of scary, and then you realize, man God didn’t put us here for no reason.  There’s a reason that we have all these eyes on us, and there’s a reason that all these people are telling us we’re making a change in their lives.  And just a lot of very, very rewarding things have been happening.  And I think for both of us, we’ve just gotten to a point where we realize that we’re here for a reason.  We’re not here to goof off and hang out in clubs all night and try to sell out dirty clubs anymore.  Which was a great, great experience at the time, and we loved it and that’s why we’re here.  But, now we’ve seen the impact that we can have on people’s lives and the way people actually look at us as an example.”


Tyler and Brian have embraced the notion that to those whom much is given, much is expected, and Tyler says, “I think over the years, God’s really shown us a lot and taught us a lot, and through our friends and our family, and it’s been really cool to see the transition, feel the transition, in both of our lives even simultaneously without even really talking about it.  I think this is the happiest we’ve probably ever been.  We feel like we’re on the right path and feel like we’re doing what we’re supposed to be doing and we’re where we’re supposed to be, and that’s pretty rewarding.”


The blessings and success are continuing to roll in for Florida Georgia Line, with their latest single, “H.O.L.Y.” poised to be their next #1 song.  They’ll release their new album, Dig Your Roots, on August 26th.

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Florida Georgia Line – much given much expected  1:15

Tyler Hubbard – “Back in the day, when we were just coming up, you didn’t feel quite the amount of pressure, and you didn’t feel that everyone looked at you as an example, or maybe not as much.  But we’ve gotten to the point where we really feel that a lot of eyes are on us, which is at first kind of scary, and then you realize, man God didn’t put us here for no reason.  There’s a reason that we have all these eyes on us, and there’s a reason that all these people are telling us we’re making a change in their lives.  And just a lot of very, very rewarding things have been happening.  And I think for both of us, we’ve just gotten to a point where we realize that we’re here for a reason.  We’re not here to goof off and hang out in clubs all night and try to sell out dirty clubs anymore.  Which was a great, great experience at the time, and we loved it and that’s why we’re here.  But, now we’ve seen the impact that we can have on people’s lives and the way people actually look at us as an example.  So, we try to just set a good example and be really positive.  I think over the years, God’s really shown us a lot and taught us a lot, and through our friends and our family, and it’s been really cool to see the transition, feel the transition, in both of our lives even simultaneously without even really talking about it.  I think this is the happiest we’ve probably ever been.  We feel like we’re on the right path and feel like we’re doing what we’re supposed to be doing and we’re where we’re supposed to be, and that’s pretty rewarding.”