Florida Georgia Line’s third album, Dig Your Roots, featuring their latest #1 song, “H.O.L.Y.,” will be released on August 26th, and Brian Kelley says it’s definitely different than their first two albums, and he thinks it may be their best work yet.  “I don’t think we made the same record from record 1 to 2 and I don’t think we’ll make the same record again.”


A lot of it has to do with the fact that as they grow and change, so does their music.  Brian says, “We’ve recorded those songs that are the most real—some beautiful love songs, some spiritual songs, some party songs. And I don’t really know, but this album feels the most, I feel like it’s gonna be the biggest one, yeah I really believe that, and I think Tyler does too.  I think it’s just, these songs are gonna answer a lot of questions for a lot of people and they really let everybody in the world in on Tyler and I—where our heart is, where our head’s at even more.”


Several pre-sale bundles for Dig Your Roots are available for purchase now on FloridaGeorgiaLine.com.

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Florida Georgia Line – how album three is different  :41

Brian Kelley – “I don’t think we made the same record from record 1 to 2 and I don’t think we’ll make the same record, you know, again.  I think it’s something we’re just pushing forward, but our lives have changed and I think as artists, as songwriters, you write with what’s happening.  You try to be transparent and you write with what’s real and we’ve done that.  We’ve recorded those songs that are the most real—some beautiful love songs, some spiritual songs, some party songs. And I don’t really know, but this album feels the most, I feel like it’s gonna be the biggest one, yeah I really believe that, and I think Tyler does too.  I think it’s just, these songs are gonna answer a lot of questions for a lot of people and they really let everybody in the world in on Tyler and I—where our heart is, where our head’s at even more.”