Tim McGraw has had a chance to work with a lot of studio musicians in his career and he says, “I love players.  I’m a big fan of any kind of player.  I think musicians are just incredible that are really great at their craft.”


After 14 studio albums it would be hard for Tim to pick just one favorite player because he says, “I’ve used so many different people and there’s some great players and I like everybody that’s ever played on my albums.”


But if he had to choose one he says, “Michael Landau on guitar is one of my favorites, of course, for sure.”


Michael Landau played electric guitar on all but one track on Tim’s Damn Country Music album, including his latest single, “How I’ll Always Be.”


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Tim McGraw – fave player in the studio  :20

“I like, I mean, I love players.  I’m a big fan of any kind of player.  I think musicians are just incredible that are really great at their craft.  And I’d be hesitant to name anybody ‘cause I’ve used so many different people and there’s some great players and I like everybody that’s ever played on my albums, but Michael Landau on guitar is one of my favorites, of course, for sure.”