Brett Young, whose debut single, “Sleep Without You,” is sitting just outside the top 20 and continuing to climb, grew up in Southern California and laughs when he thinks back to how he fell in love with country music.  Brett says, “I grew up listening to country music because, really, whenever me and my sister would fight over the front seat, whoever got the front seat got to control the radio.  And every time she won, I would just sit in the back frustrated that I had the back seat.  But every time I won, she’d sit in the back seat and kick my chair, so at the time she didn’t like country music, and so to bug her, I’d put on country music radio and turn it really loud.  The joke is on me, that’s how I found out I loved it.”


“Sleep Without You” is the first release of Brett’s self-titled, debut EP, which is available now.

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Brett Young – grew up listening to country  :26

“I did.  I grew up listening to country music because, really, whenever me and my sister would fight over the front seat, whoever got the front seat got to control the radio.  And every time she won, I would just sit in the back frustrated that I had the back seat.  But every time I won, she’d sit in the back seat and kick my chair, so at the time she didn’t like country music, and so to bug her, I’d put on country music radio and turn it really loud.  The joke is on me, that’s how I found out I loved it.”