Brian Kelley of Florida Georgia Line was fortunate enough to have a gorgeous, one of a kind treehouse built on his property just outside of Nashville, by the experts from Animal Planet’s Treehouse Masters.  Over time it has turned into a recording studio, a place to write songs and just a place for Brian and Tyler and their creative collaborators to get into nature to work.  Tyler Hubbard reports, “A lot of hits have been written in that tree house, so it’s good.”


Brian says it’s definitely been a source of creative inspiration.  “A lot of singing, a lot of writing, a lot of creating.  It’s been a blessing as well, man.  It’s somewhere you can go and get a break and get some windows and some nature.  It’s awesome.”


The treehouse has been so inspirational that Florida Georgia Line named their publishing company Treehouse Vibez.  And although they didn’t write their current single, “May We All,” which was co-written by Rodney Clawson and Jamie Moore, we know they did some writing for their forthcoming Dig Your Roots album in the treehouse.

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Florida Georgia Line – treehouse  :15

Brian – “Yeaaah, it’s awesome, man!  Really good, man.”

Tyler – “A lot of hits have been written in that tree house, so it’s good.”

Brian – “A lot of singing, a lot of writing, a lot of creating.  It’s been a blessing as well, man.  It’s somewhere you can go and get a break and get some windows and some nature.  It’s awesome.”