Brett Young’s fan club is called Caliville, and he explains, “The reason for that is it’s just obviously a blend between California and Nashville, and I had to come up with the name for a publishing company and that one popped into my head and the second I said it out loud, I knew that it was just a cool thing.”


After naming his publishing company Caliville, Brett liked it so much he decided to expand the brand.  He says, “So, we started a clothing brand and fan club and the publishing company.  You know, it was my idea, but there are a lot of friends that were attached to it that will be a part of it from the ground-up, and it’s just a fun little thing to have on the side.”


Brett has enjoyed hearing from members of Caliville at shows and on social media about how much they like his debut single, “Sleep Without You,” which is available now on his self-titled EP.


Brett Young – Caliville fan club  :26

“The fan club is called ‘Caliville’, the reason for that is it’s just obviously a blend between California and Nashville, and I had to come up with the name for a publishing company and that one popped into my head and the second I said it out loud, I knew that it was just a cool thing.  So, we started a clothing brand and fan club and the publishing company.  You know, it was my idea, but there are a lot of friends that were attached to it that will be a part of it from the ground-up, and it’s just a fun little thing to have on the side.”

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