Florida Georgia Line’s latest #1 song isn’t a song they immediately jumped on to record, and they believe that’s part of the reason it ended up being so successful.  Brian Kelley says, “I think we’ll both never forget the email that we got from our manager months ago in the fall and in the title it said, ‘HOLY.’  And it was an MP3 and we listened to it and we lived with it for a while.  We didn’t know if it was for us but we fell in love with it and it totally melted us.”


The song is the first release off their new album, Dig Your Roots, and Brian says, “I mean we loved it and it was such a real song and it took us back to our roots.  It’s kind of like a worship song meets a love song and it hit us right in the heart so we had to record it and I think it was very organic for us.  It was something we didn’t jump on immediately.  We let it kind of resonate with us and I think that’s why it’s resonated with so many people, because it did happen organically.”


“H.O.L.Y.” has spent 14 weeks on the top of the Billboard Hot Country Songs chart, which ranks country songs based on combined activity from airplay, streaming and sales.  It’s been a tremendous start for Dig Your Roots, which will be released on August 26th, also featuring FGL’s new single, “May We All,” featuring Tim McGraw.


Florida Georgia Line – getting HOLY  :35

Brian Kelley – “I think we’ll both never forget the email that we got from our manager months ago in the fall and in the title it said, ‘HOLY.’  And it was an MP3 and we listened to it and we lived with it for a while.  We didn’t know if it was for us but we fell in love with it and it totally melted us.  I mean we loved it and it was such a real song and it took us back to our roots.  It’s kind of like a worship song meets a love song and it hit us right in the heart so we had to record it and I think it was very organic for us.  It was something we didn’t jump on immediately.  We let it kind of resonate with us and I think that’s why it’s resonated with so many people, because it did happen organically.”


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