Florida Georgia Line will release their third album, Dig Your Roots, this Friday, featuring their latest single, “May We All,” with Tim MCGraw.  For fans who have heard “H.O.L.Y.” and “May We All,” Tyler Hubbard explains what else fans can expect from the new project.  He says, “It’s a little deeper.  I think the fans can expect to get to know BK and I a little bit more intimately over this album.  Also, there’s something for everybody.  We still got the party songs, we got the feel good songs, the life songs, the sad songs, we kind of got it all on this album.”


Most importantly, Tyler says it’s the kind of album fans will be able to listen to in its entirety without skipping over songs.  “That’s something we always take pride in, you know, from album one to now, is just making sure that there’s not a song on there that you want to hit skip,” says Tyler, “and I think we’ve done that on this album for sure, and really just can’t wait for you guys to hear it.”


Dig Your Roots will be available this Friday, August 26th.


Florida Georgia Line – something for everyone  :26

Tyler Hubbard – “It’s a little deeper.  I think the fans can expect to get to know BK and I a little bit more intimately over this album.  Also, there’s something for everybody.  We still got the party songs, we got the feel good songs, the life songs, the sad songs, we kind of got it all on this album.  That’s something we always take pride in, you know, from album one to now, is just making sure that there’s not a song on there that you want to hit skip, and I think we’ve done that on this album for sure, and really just can’t wait for you guys to hear it.”

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