Brett Young grew up on the beach in Southern California, and while his career is taking off, with his debut single, “Sleep Without You” in the top 20 and still climbing, he still resides in Southern California, partly because Nashville doesn’t have a beach.  Brett says, “I’m connected to the ocean.  I say this all the time, if Nashville had a beach I’d never leave.  There’s something about growing up at the beach that’s just in you, and you land in Los Angeles and the traffic in and around the L.A. airport is ridiculous, but it doesn’t really matter, you know?  I pull out, I roll my windows down and I can smell the salt air and I feel like I’m at home, and I think that will always be a part of me.”


While living in Southern California may mean Brett spends a little more time traveling, thanks to planes, trains and automobiles … and buses, he’s never more than a few hours from anywhere he needs to be.”

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Brett Young – special connection to the ocean  :24

“Yeah, I’m connected to the ocean.  I say this all the time, if Nashville had a beach I’d never leave (laugh).  There’s something about growing up at the beach that’s just in you, and you land in Los Angeles and the traffic in and around the L.A. airport is ridiculous, but it doesn’t really matter, you know?  I pull out, I roll my windows down and I can smell the salt air and I feel like I’m at home, and I think that will always be a part of me.”