Florida Georgia Line just released their new video for “May We All.”  It was filmed at the Tennessee National Raceway in Hohenwald, Tennessee, and Brian Kelley says, “It’s basically like a mini-movie. You know, it’s about five minutes long and there’s no performing shots. It’s pretty amazing.”


The guys filmed the video with Tim McGraw, who also sings on the song, and Brian says, “Working with Tim that day, watching him show up just pretty much in character the whole time and ready, professional as he can be, giving advice, and just being positive throughout the day. His spirit is amazing. I mean he’s somebody that we look up to. We were pretty much taking notes and showed up taking notes all day to try and learn whatever we can and be a sponge and soak it up.”


You can watch the video for “May We All” now on Florida Georgia Line’s YouTube page. https://youtu.be/PT4ryVop_Fc

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Florida Georgia Line – May We All video  :24

Brian Kelley – “It’s basically like a mini-movie. You know, its about five minutes long and there’s no performing shots. It’s pretty amazing. Working with Tim that day, watching him show up just pretty much in character the whole time and ready, professional as he can be. Giving advice, and just being positive throughout the day. His spirit is amazing. I mean he’s somebody that we look up to. We were pretty much taking notes and showed up taking notes all day to try and learn whatever we can and be a sponge and soak it up.”