Like a lot of artists, Brett Young was first exposed to performing music in church.  Brett says, “My dad’s a pastor and I went to a Christian school. My sophomore year, I had played a little guitar. All the kids walking around in Christian junior high learned to play guitar. One day, in my sophomore year, one of the kids who leads worship every Friday said, ‘Hey, I need somebody else to play guitar with me this week.’ So I did. And he said, ‘You did great, I’m not gonna be there next week and you need to lead.’  So next thing I know, I’m 15 years old and playing in front of 700 kids for the first time. From that moment, I knew I loved it.”


But even still, Brett was pursuing a career in professional baseball.  He says, “It wasn’t until I hurt myself, I played baseball, I had to have elbow surgery, until I really started pursuing it as a career.”


Lucky for us, Brett’s injury led him to music to record great songs like his current single, “Sleep Without You,” and “In Case You Didn’t Know,” both of which are featured on his debut EP, which is available now.

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Brett Young – where and how music started  :30

“You know, it started in the church for me. My dad’s a pastor and I went to a Christian school. My sophomore year, I had played a little guitar. All the kids walking around in Christian junior high learned to play guitar. One day, in my sophomore year, one of the kids who leads worship every Friday said, ‘Hey, I need somebody else to play guitar with me this week.’ So I did. And he said, ‘You did great, I’m not gonna be there next week and you need to lead.”   So next thing I know, I’m 15 years old and playing in front of 700 kids for the first time. From that moment, I knew I loved it. It wasn’t until I hurt myself, I played baseball, I had to have elbow surgery, until I really started pursuing it as a career.”