Florida Georgia Line’s new album, Dig Your Roots, features 15 songs, including their latest single, “May We All,” but it turns out, that’s only about a fourth of the songs they originally started with.  “I would venture to say that at the beginning of this record we literally probably had 50 to 60 songs, maybe more, that we loved that were in the running and then as we sit down with Joey and Seth we started to narrow them down,” says Tyler Hubbard.


Narrowing the songs down was not an easy task.  Tyler says, “Once we got them to probably about 20 songs, it started to become really, really difficult and it was honestly kind of sad that like the fans aren’t going to get to hear this song cause it’s not going to make the record just you know whatever. That’s why we really, really tried to put as many songs as we possibly could on this record that the label would let us put on it. Just because it was hard to narrow it down. It was hard to sacrifice songs for the fans. We wanted as much content on this as possible, and we had a lot of ammo.”


The good news is, some of those songs that didn’t make Florida Georgia Line’s Dig Your Roots album could still show up on one of their future albums, or they could pass them along to other artists to record.

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Florida Georgia Line – whittling down songs  :52

Tyler Hubbard – “I would venture to say that at the beginning of this record we literally probably had 50 to 60 songs, maybe more, that we loved that were in the running and then as we sit down with Joey and Seth we started to narrow them down. And you know, once we got them to probably about 20 songs, it started to become really, really difficult and it was honestly kind of sad that like the fans aren’t going to get to hear this song cause it’s not going to make the record just you know whatever. That’s why we really, really tried to put as many songs as we possibly could on this record that the label would let us put on it. Just because it was hard to narrow it down. It was hard to sacrifice songs for the fans. We wanted as much content on this as possible, and we had a lot of ammo. So we really wanted to get it all out there and you know what though, the beauty of that is there are a lot of songs sitting back that didn’t make the record that maybe have another life with another artist or maybe we put out on a remix, or you know, who knows?