When Brett Young was growing up in Southern California, he remembers being the only one of his friends who listened to country radio.  Brett says, “Growing up there were two country music stations, but I was the only one listening to it at that point. All of my friends were on punk music. It was Green Day, The Offspring, and Blink-182.”


Now that Brett has his first top 15 hit on country radio, he says, “It’s fun to go back now and have all my friends that didn’t appreciate it the way I did when I was younger and they’re all on it now, including my older sister who is a big country music fan now, as well.”


No doubt Brett and his music have heavily influenced his friends’ and family’s new found love of country music.

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Brett Young – country radio listener  :17

“Growing up there were two country music stations, but I was the only one listening to it at that point. All of my friends were on punk music. It was Green Day, The Offspring, and Blink-182. It’s fun to go back now and have all my friends that didn’t appreciate it the way I did when I was younger and they’re all on it now, including my older sister who is a big country music fan now, as well.”