While Brett Young and his song, “Sleep Without You” are still fairly new to a lot of people, Brett has actually been writing and recording music for a long time.  He says, “I wrote my first record 10 years ago. You can always feel like small, little bit of progress here and there. One record is selling better than the last one and stuff, but until you really get to send your song out to radio and see it hit a lot of people all at once, which is happening now for the first time in my music career. Yeah, I can really feel the traction.”

Brett is grateful and excited that “Sleep Without You” is officially his first top five hit, and has the potential to become his first #1 song, but he’s kind of glad he’s been almost too busy to let it sink in.  He says, “I think it’s fortunate though that we are so busy on the road right now, because part of you doesn’t have time to feel it [and freak out]. Yeah, it’s really cool to see the music getting out to a lot more people.”

You can keep up with Brett and his music on his website, BrettYoungMusic.com.

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Brett Young – feeling momentum  :27

“I wrote my first record 10 years ago. You can always feel like small, little bit of progress here and there. One record is selling better than the last one and stuff, but until you really get to send your song out to radio and see it hit a lot of people all at once, which is happening now for the first time in my music career. Yeah, I can really feel the traction. I think it’s fortunate though that we are so busy on the road right now, because part of you doesn’t have time to feel it. Yeah, it’s really cool to see the music getting out to a lot more people.”