If you follow Brett young on social media, you may have seen a photo of him and his entire band recently dressed in Christmas onesies.  Apparently, they were a Halloween costume hand selected by Brett.  He explains, “We had a show and it was a costume party. So I didn’t trust my band to make decisions for themselves, so I went to Walmart and bought seven onesies, seven pairs of slippers, and seven ski hats. We put them on and we wore them for that show. Then I just had an idea, the next day we had to fly early for another show. So I thought, well, let me see if I can talk them all into wearing them on the plane. So, they showed up at six in the morning wearing their onesies again and then that following night was not even a costume themed performance and we wore them on stage anyways.”

This isn’t the first time Brett has worn a onesie.  Just a couple of months ago he posted a picture of himself in a Walmart aisle wearing a unicorn onesie, which he confesses he regrets not buying.  The “Sleep Without You” singer laughs and admits he has fun wearing onesies because they’re not exactly what you expect to see a 6’6” guy wearing, especially in public.

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Brett Young – onesies  :32

“So we got those at Walmart. We had a show and it was a costume party. So I didn’t trust my band to make decisions for themselves, so I went to Walmart and bought seven onesies, seven pairs of slippers, and seven ski hats. We put them on and we wore them for that show. Then I just had an idea, the next day we had to fly early for another show. So I thought, well, let me see if I can talk them all into wearing them on the plane. So, they showed up at six in the morning wearing their onesies again and then that following night was not even a costume themed performance and we wore them on stage anyways.”