Brian and Tyler of Florida Georgia Line are both happily married guys and they say it definitely has an impact on their songwriting.  In fact, Brian Kelley says, “Makes it easier. I think being married makes songwriting way easier. You know, you’re inspired 24/7 and it’s easy to go into a songwriting room when you’re married to the love of your life. Fortunately, Tyler and I are. We get to sing to them every night on the side of the stage and they travel with us. Their support is amazing.”

In fact, their wives’ influence on their songwriting is so strong that Brian says, “Sometimes we have to focus not writing songs about them, cause it’s hard every day showing up with these other co-writers that are like, “Man, can we write something else?” But no, it’s the coolest thing. It’s the coolest life to live this life and to write songs for our ladies. I don’t know if it gets any countrier than that.”

Florida Georgia Line’s latest single, “May We All,” was co-written by Rodney Clawson and Jamie Moore, but there are plenty of other songs that were inspired by Brian and Tyler’s wives on their latest album, Dig Your Roots.

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Florida Georgia Line – marriage affected music  :33

Brian Kelley – “Makes it easier. I think being married makes songwriting way easier. You know, you’re inspired 24/7 and it’s easy to go into a songwriting room when you’re married to the love of your life. Fortunately, Tyler and I are. We get to sing to them every night on the side of the stage and they travel with us. Their support is amazing. You know, sometimes we have to focus not writing songs about them, cause it’s hard every day showing up with these other co-writers that are like, “Man, can we write something else?” But no, it’s the coolest thing. It’s the coolest life to live this life and to write songs for our ladies. I don’t know if it gets any countrier than that.”