Back in July, Tyler Hubbard of Florida Georgia Line decided to take a break from Instagram.  It’s not that he has anything against the social media app, he just realized he needed to reprioritize the way he was spending his time.  Tyler says, “I was really spending a ton of time on my phones doing this on the popular page. I was like, ‘Look there’s a lot more things I should be doing than sitting here doing this right now.’  So I just took a little time off and I’ll probably get back on eventually, but I’m enjoying it right now to be honest.  I’m much more productive and I mean, I think it’s great for a lot of reasons, but you know for me, I just needed a little time off.”

Fortunately, Brian and Tyler still keep in touch with their fans via Florida Georgia Line’s Instagram account (and Twitter and Facebook, etc.), getting great feedback on their latest top five song, “May We All,” and Tyler will likely find his way back to Instagram at some point, but for now he’s enjoying spending his time elsewhere.

[soundcloud url=”https://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/292651131″ params=”color=ff5500&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

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Florida Georgia Line – Tyler off Instagram  :21

Tyler Hubbard – “My personal Instagram I just took a little time off you know I was really spending a ton of time on my phones doing this on the popular page. I was like, ‘Look there’s a lot more things I should be doing than sitting here doing this right now.’  So I just took a little time off and I’ll probably get back on eventually, but I’m enjoying it right now to be honest.  I’m much more productive and I mean, I think it’s great for a lot of reasons, but you know for me, I just needed a little time off.”