Ever since winning the final season of American Idol back in April, Trent Harmon’s year has been a bit of a whirlwind.  When he gets together with his family for Thanksgiving he says he will be thankful for a lot of things.  “Ummm, that we made it this far and you know we’ve gone through a lot of changes as a simple country family in the South, you know a lot of changes. We’ve stuck together really well. We talk every night, just about.”

No matter how busy he gets, it’s important for Trent to stay connected with his family.  For instance, he says, “I made the effort to fly home and be with my family for my sister’s birthday, and trick or treat with some little cousins and nephews and stuff, and I think as long as I can do that I think that’s a big part of it is just seeing each other talking to each other.”

Trent will spend the holidays in Mississippi with his family, plus he’ll spend part of the time working on his debut album, which he’ll release in 2017.

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Trent Harmon – Thanksgiving  :26 (red carpet audio)

“Ummm, that we made it this far and you know we’ve gone through a lot of changes as a simple country family in the South, you know a lot of changes. We’ve stuck together really well. We talk every night, just about, and like I made the effort to fly home and be with my family for my sister’s birthday, and trick or treat with some little cousins and nephews and stuff, and I think as long as I can do that I think that’s a big part of it is just seeing each other talking to each other.”