If you listen to the songs and check the liner notes on Florida Georgia Line’s latest album, Dig Your Roots, you’ll notice that Brian Kelley is actually singing lead on a few of the songs, which is something Tyler Hubbard usually does.  The guys say they never really tried to figure out who would sound better singing lead because it was just obvious whose voice needed to lead each song.  “I’m pretty sure it was pretty strategic,” says Tyler.  “I mean a lot of the songs we wrote was … I mean, clearly ‘While He’s Still Around,’ I mean that’s a B.K. song. I wouldn’t even make sense for my voice to be on the lead in that song.  It’s a special song, and tells a story, and I mean it has a purpose and a point. A song like ‘Island,’ I mean that was just when it came out we all just heard B.K.’s voice on it and it was cool to watch that song come to life with B.K. killing the vocals in the studio and it was kind of a different fresh sound for us.”

While more attention is being paid to the fact that Brian sings lead on several songs on FGL’s latest album, people may not realize that it’s not something new.  Tyler says, “We have had a lot of songs where B.K. sang lead on and I don’t think it’s been talked about enough. I don’t think there’s been enough recognition. I think there’s been times where B.K. makes the song way stronger, like ‘Dirt’ for example. You know having his lead on verses and choruses and stuff. And I think it’s something that needs to be talked about, something that needs to be acknowledged more and especially on this third record, I mean, he stands apart, stands alone, and crushes it and it’s cool to see that.”

Florida Georgia Line is on the verge of celebrating their latest #1 song with “May We All,” which they recorded with their good buddy, Tim McGraw, and they’ve already announced the follow-up single will be “God, Your Mama and Me,” their collaboration with The Backstreet Boys.

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Florida Georgia Line – both record same song pick better

Tyler Hubbard – “Actually not really, I don’t think. I’m pretty sure it was pretty strategic. I mean a lot of the songs we wrote was … I mean, clearly ‘While He’s Still Around,’ I mean that’s a B.K. song. I wouldn’t even make sense for my voice to be on the lead in that song.  It’s a special song, and tells a story, and I mean it has a purpose and a point. A song like ‘Island,’ I mean that was just when it came out we all just heard B.K.’s voice on it and it was cool to watch that song come to life with B.K. killing the vocals in the studio and it was kind of a different fresh sound for us. But at the same time, you know, we have had a lot of songs where B.K. sang lead on and I don’t think it’s been talked about enough. I don’t think there’s been enough recognition. I think there’s been times where B.K. makes the song way stronger, like ‘Dirt’ for example. You know having his lead on verses and choruses and stuff. And I think it’s something that needs to be talked about, something that needs to be acknowledged more and especially on this third record, I mean, he stands apart, stands alone, and crushes it and it’s cool to see that.”