Trent Harmon has been spending his off time in Nashville writing for his debut album, and he’s had the chance to work with some of Nashville’s best writers, which he says is huge.  When we caught up with Trent, he told us, “A huge step in the industry is just getting other songwriters e-mails in your phone. I have done that to a certain extent. I have people in my phone that have allowed me to get a song in the Top 40 on radio. That’s a big part of it.”

That top 40 song Trent is referring to is “There’s A Girl,” which is actually almost top 30.  It’s a song he co-wrote with Jimmy Robbins and Laura Veltz

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Trent Harmon – finding voice as writer (red carpet audio)  :15

“A huge step in the industry is just getting other songwriters e-mails in your phone. I have done that to a certain extent. I have people in my phone that have allowed me to get a song in the Top 40 on radio. That’s a big part of it.”