Everybody has those things that happen during the holiday season that really help get them in the Christmas spirit and Brett Young is no exception.  He says, “The first thing always is that the day after Thanksgiving all the Christmas decorations including the tree go up at my parents’ house and in my apartment.  There’s a movie, A Christmas Story, and that’s been my family’s thing that you know TBS does the marathon every year and we watch it until they stop playing it. And then a new one snuck in, in the last couple of years, that I’m obsessed with that I watch year round pretty much, and that’s Elf. So both of those movies also are like I don’t need to wait for December for that. And then anything kind of like nutmegy I’m not a big baker but like every once in a while I’ll be, ‘All right I’ve got to make some sort of holiday dessert to make the house smell like that.’  And so I usually get myself into trouble with something like that too.”

While Brett is decorating and watching movies and baking, he’ll no doubt be celebrating the fact that his debut single, “Sleep Without You,” just became his first #1 song of his career.

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Brett Young – Christmas symbols  :37

“The first thing always is that the day after Thanksgiving all the Christmas decorations including the tree go up at my parents’ house and in my apartment.  There’s a movie, A Christmas Story, and that’s been my family’s thing that you know TBS does the marathon every year and we watch it until they stop playing it. And then a new one snuck in in the last couple of years that I’m obsessed with that I watch year round pretty much, and that’s Elf. So both of those movies also are like I don’t need to wait for December for that. And then anything kind of like ‘nutmegy’ I’m not a big baker but like every once in a while I’ll be, ‘All right I’ve got to make some sort of holiday dessert to make the house smell like that.’  And so I usually get myself into trouble with something like that too.