Thomas Rhett has been on vacation in Africa with his wife Lauren, but when they get home, it will be all about decking out their house to the extreme for Christmas because it’s Lauren’s favorite holiday.  When it comes to decorations and a festive atmosphere in their house, Thomas says, “It is really intense. It stays on, it’s not ABC family anymore, but it stays on Freeform and I swear it’s nothing but Elf 20 times in December and all the Harry Potter movies and the old school Rudolph.  We get the biggest tree, I mean sometimes it hits our ceiling and bends.  We’re like the Griswold’s.”

Thomas and Lauren also love to celebrate the holidays with their friends.  He says, “We always have an ugly Christmas sweater party every year and we invite 100 of our friends over and it’s always a really good time, but we love Christmas.”

Thomas can head into the holidays happy, knowing that his latest single, “Star of the Show,” is sitting just outside of the top ten, and will likely continue its rapid decent up the charts to #1 before too long.

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Thomas Rhett – Christmas  :25

“It is really intense. It stays on, it’s not ABC family anymore, but it stays on Freeform and I swear it’s nothing but Elf 20 times in December and all the Harry Potter movies and the old school Rudolph.  We get the biggest tree, I mean sometimes it hits our ceiling and bends.  We’re like the Griswold’s.  But, no, Lauren loves it and we always have an ugly Christmas sweater party every year and we invite 100 of our friends over and it’s always a really good time, but we love Christmas.”