Drake White is a very positive, uplifiting guy, so it’s not surprising that he is a big fan of New Year’s resolutions.  He says, “I love ‘em. I mean people say ‘Well, I hate resolutions because you never follow through.’  Well, discipline is a big thing that I’ve tried to work on over the years and sometimes I’m not sometimes I am.  But I think just the spirit of newness and having a new start we all need that.  We all need that as we look at this world right now. Jeez Louise, we have to have some hope.”

While it would be great if we were all so self-disciplined that we didn’t need something like a resolution to start us down a positive path of change in our lives, Drake says, “I like looking at things in a positive light, and if a resolution is a way to get you to losing weight and get you feeling better or a way to get you to improve your life then I’m all for ‘em.”

Drake will be kicking off his New Year with a brand new single, “Makin’ Me Look Good Again,” off his Spark album.  Also, don’t forget to vote for Drake in the Grammy Artist of Tomorrow competition.  You can vote once a day at www.CBS.com/AOT.

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Drake White – New Year’s resolutions  :40

“I love ‘em. I mean people say ‘Well, I hate resolutions because you never follow through.’  Well, discipline is a big thing that I’ve tried to work on over the years and sometimes I’m not sometimes I am.  But I think just the spirit of newness and having a new start we all need that.  We all need that as we look at this world right now. Jeez Louise, we have to have some hope. And that’s what I hope music does that’s what I hope the resolutions do. You know that’s what people stand for.  And some people do follow through with ‘em, so I like looking at things in a positive light, and if a resolution is a way to get you to losing weight and get you feeling better or a way to get you to improve your life then I’m all for ‘em.”