With the New Year just a couple of weeks away, a lot of people are starting to think about New Year’s resolutions and things they hope to change in their life in 2017, but Brett Young says, “I don’t know why I’ve never that’s never really been a thing for me. I feel like I try to keep myself from doing anything all year round that would make me feel guilty enough to have to quit it on the 1st anyways.”

For anyone who does like to make New Year’s resolutions, Brett thinks it’s great.  He says, “I do like the idea of the beginning of the year being the opportunity for a fresh start if you ever need that, and I have a lot of friends that do really lean on New Year’s resolutions.”  But personally, he says, “It’s never really been a thing for me, but I guess I get it.”

Brett is wrapping up 2016 with his first #1 song, “Sleep Without You,” and some great momentum heading into 2017 for his next single, “In Case You Didn’t Know.”  Both songs will be available on his self-titled, debut album, which will be released on February 10th.

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Brett Young – New Year’s resolutions  :23

“You know, I don’t know why I’ve never that’s never really been a thing for me. I feel like I try to keep myself from doing anything all year round that would make me feel guilty enough to have to quit it on the 1st anyways. But I do like the idea of the beginning of the year being the opportunity for a fresh start if you ever need that, and I have a lot of friends that do really lean on New Year’s resolutions.  And so no, it’s never really been a thing for me, but I guess I get it.”