Anyone who has followed Florida Georgia Line from when they first released “Cruise” back in 2012 to now can see a definite change and maturity in Brian and Tyler, and Tyler says, “We’re at a good place in life and I think when the world heard about Florida Georgia Line we were at the beginning of a lot of changes in our life, you know what I mean? We’re just that age.  It’s just bound to happen.  We met our wives, we bought houses. We kind of went from boys to men.”

In the beginning they were a little more about having fun and enjoying the party and just being young guys enjoying the fruits of their labor, but now they’re both a little more centered, a little more settled and they’re very focused on being good citizens and good people who use the platform they’ve been blessed with for good things.  That evolution is also evident in their music, and Tyler says, “The world began to open their eyes and see us when we were boys and then they got to experience the change in our music as well. So I think it’s been really, really fun to engage with our fans and be transparent from the beginning when we were 2012 Florida Georgia Line to now, you know what I mean?  And to get to let them be a part of the evolution as well and to see them connecting throughout all the years of our changes in our life and our music, and just being able to be creative and continue to be transparent is awesome.  That’s really what we’re going to do and we think that’s what really connects with the fans and keeps them engaged and that’s what we love.”

Florida Georgia Line just celebrated their 12th #1 song with “May We All,” and their next single, which is already projecting to be a huge hit, will be their duet with the Backstreet Boys, “God, Your Mama and Me,” off their Dig Your Roots album.

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Florida Georgia Line – we grew up  :48

Tyler Hubbard – “We’re at a good place in life and I think when the world heard about Florida Georgia Line we were at the beginning of a lot of changes in our life, you know what I mean? We’re just that age.  It’s just bound to happen.  We met our wives, we bought houses. We kind of went from boys to men. Boyz II Men?  But really you know that’s kind of what it felt like. And the world began to open their eyes and see us when we were when we were boys and then they got to experience the change in our music as well. So I think it’s been really, really fun to engage with our fans and be transparent from the beginning when we were 2012 Florida Georgia Line to now, you know what I mean.  And to get to let them be a part of the evolution as well and to see them connecting throughout all the years of our changes in our life and our music, and just being able to be creative and continue to be transparent is awesome.  That’s really what we’re going to do and we think that’s what really connects with the fans and keeps them engaged and that’s what we love.”