Trent Harmon is busy working on his debut album, and when it comes to choosing songs and figuring out the feel and the sound of the album, Trent says, “I really just want to trust the people around me because sometimes I don’t necessarily know exactly what I want to do. Now whenever I say that it’s not that I’m really unsure of the direction I want to go, I just want to make sure that the direction we go is accepted across the whole broad spectrum that we’re trying to cover.”

Trent’s sound is a mix of a lot of different influences, and he says, “We’re trying to create a new lane. You know I don’t necessarily just sing country. So when we listen to these songs in pitch meetings and with A&R staff, we’re really listening with a new ear, you know not your typical ‘hey we’re going to make this kind of album right here.  We know who you are,’ because the people that loved me on the show they don’t necessarily know me as the individual artist off of Idol. So that’s what we’re … we’re really trying to pick special songs and write special songs for that purpose.”

Trent’s debut album will be released sometime in early 2017, and will feature his latest single, “There’s A Girl,” which is currently in the top 30 and continuing to climb up the charts.

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Trent Harmon – album thought process  :47

“You know, I really just want to trust the people around me because sometimes I don’t necessarily know exactly what I want to do. Now whenever I say that it’s not that I’m really unsure of the direction I want to go, I just want to make sure that the direction we go is accepted across the whole broad spectrum that we’re trying to cover.  We’re trying to create a new lane. You know I don’t necessarily just sing country. So when we listen to these songs in pitch meetings and with A&R staff, we’re really listening with a new ear, you know not your typical ‘hey we’re going to make this kind of album right here.  We know who you are,’ because the people that loved me on the show they don’t necessarily know me as the individual artist off of Idol. So that’s what we’re … we’re really trying to pick special songs and write special songs for that purpose.”