Brett Young writes his songs about personal experiences, and while there may occasionally be songs that are extremely personal, Brett doesn’t shy away from recording them and sharing them with the world because he says, “Yeah, there are songs that are extremely personal and with something like that it is going to be a handful of performances of that song before you are able to get to a place where you’re only focused on the business side of it. But I think that that’s great. I don’t think there’s any shame in getting a little emotional over something that you’re clearly telling people you’ve lived and gone through.”

For Brett, the most important thing is being truthful and authentic with his fans, and if that means being vulnerable about something he’s gone through, then he’s willing to do it.  It’s that authenticity that fans connect with in songs like his first #1, “Sleep Without You,” and now his latest single, “In Case You Didn’t Know,” both of which will be on Brett’s self-titled debut album, being released on February 10th.

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Brett Young – writing deeply personal songs  :18

“Yeah, there are songs that are extremely personal and with something like that it is going to be a handful of performances of that song before you are able to get to a place where you’re only focused on the business side of it. But I think that that’s great. I don’t think there’s any shame in getting a little emotional over something that you’re clearly telling people you’ve lived and gone through.”