Florida Georgia Line has had tremendous success as artists, with a string of #1 hits, a hugely successful headlining tour, which will re-launch later this month, and a ton of awards and accolades, but the guys admit that being artists wasn’t originally the plan.  Tyler Hubbard says, “First and foremost, BK and myself we came to Nashville to be a songwriter and to write songs and that’s what we’ve done.  I don’t think being an artist was really, not even hardly in the back of our heads, you know.  We just liked to perform our songs that we were writing.  We were playing writers rounds in Nashville and just kind of getting them out there and trying to get some exposure for our songs more than anything.”

But as the old saying goes, one thing led to another and after they both graduated college, Tyler says, “(We) realized we loved playing these songs we were writing and figured well let’s just start traveling and seein’ if anybody likes these songs and we’ll just kind of play for anybody. So that’s what we did and it worked out, man.”

So while they consider themselves songwriters first, Florida Georgia Line loves and is grateful for the success they’ve had as artists, and they love getting to record both their own songs and songs they didn’t write, like their brand new single, “God, Your Mama and Me,” which was written by Josh Kear, Hillary Lindsey and Gordie Sampson.

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Florida Georgia Line – writers who are artists  :31

Tyler Hubbard – “First and foremost, BK and myself we came to Nashville to be a songwriter and to write songs and that’s what we’ve done.  I don’t think being an artist was really, not even hardly in the back of our heads, you know.  We just liked to perform our songs that we were writing.  We were playing writers rounds in Nashville and just kind of getting them out there and trying to get some exposure for our songs more than anything. Then one thing kind of led to the next, we graduated college and realized we loved playing these songs we were writing and figured well let’s just start traveling and seein’ if anybody likes these songs and we’ll just kind of play for anybody. So that’s what we did and it worked out, man.”