Brett Young writes a lot of songs about his own life, many of which will be on his self-titled debut album, which will be released on February 10th, and whenever possible, Brett prefers to tell his stories without embellishing the facts.  He says, “I am that way but you can’t always be that way. For the most part you’re writing a song with two other writers every time who have their own story that they want to tell, and so sometimes you can’t be the stickler for the details the way that I like to be. But I think when it’s possible, I think the song is the best that it can be when it’s honest and so it’s always important to me.”

When it’s his story he’s writing about, Brett will sometimes work twice as hard to stick to the facts, but he also says, “Being in Nashville now and writing with some of these amazing writers I do have to remind myself that I’m not the only one in the room with a story to tell. So there’s an interesting balance with that.”

In the case of Brett’s latest single, “In Case You Didn’t Know,” he and his co-writers definitely took liberties to turn it into a love ballad, because the idea for the song actually came from one of his co-writers, whose mom always used to tell him, “In case you didn’t know, I love you.”

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Brett Young – not embellishing in songwriting  :25

“I am that way but you can’t always be that way. For the most part you’re writing a song with two other writers every time who have their own story that they want to tell, and so sometimes you can’t be the stickler for the details the way that I like to be. But I think when it’s possible, I think the song is the best that it can be when it’s honest and so it’s always important to me. But you know being in Nashville now and writing with some of these amazing writers I do have to remind myself that I’m not the only one in the room with a story to tell. So there’s an interesting balance with that.”