While Brett Young says he’s not in the middle of binge watching anything at the moment, he has been known to lose track of time because he’s caught up in a show.  Brett says, “I have binge watched in the past.  The first time I did that was a TV show called Sons of Anarchy. They were in their third season and I didn’t have television yet but I did have Internet. So I Netflixed those first two seasons and then started catching up. And that was fun and I got nothing done for a couple of weeks. And since then there’s a TV show on HBO called Ballers that I was about a season behind in, so I binge watched that whole season.  And so yes, sometimes when I have time, now that I travel as much as I do, there’s actually a lot of long car rides where I just pull the phone out.”

Brett will probably have to put binge watching any television on hold for a little while as he prepares to release his self-titled debut album.  It will be available February 10th, featuring his latest single, “In Case You Didn’t Know.”

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Brett Young – binge watching  :33

“I have binge watched in the past.  The first time I did that was a TV show called Sons of Anarchy. They were in their third season and I didn’t have television yet but I did have Internet. So I Netflixed those first two seasons and then started catching up. And that was fun and I got nothing done for a couple of weeks. And since then there’s a TV show on HBO called Ballers that I was about a season behind in, so I binge watched that whole season.  And so yes, sometimes when I have time, now that I travel as much as I do, there’s actually a lot of long car rides where I just pull the phone out. But right now I’m not in the middle of any bingeing.”