Trent Harmon is very active on social media, often posting live videos, communicating with fans about his latest single, “There’s A Girl,” keeping people updated on his career and he does it because he believes social media plays a vital part in his career.  Trent says, “Some people would say it doesn’t matter at all. For me thus far it’s been the difference. I think there’s a big change over that can happen from the minute you’re off of a TV show every week to being back in their face again. It can be years. And so why not use a free social medium to talk to them everyday face to face?  And so I do.”

You can keep up with Trent @TrentHarmon on Twitter, @officialtrentharmon on Instagram and on the TrentHarmonMusic page on Facebook.

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Trent Harmon – using social media RC  :20

“Some people would say it doesn’t matter at all. For me thus far it’s been the difference. I think there’s a big change over that can happen from the minute you’re off of a TV show every week to being back in their face again. It can be years. And so why not use a free social medium to talk to them everyday face to face?  And so I do.”