Brett Young has had a chance to meet a lot of really cool people, but when it comes to the coolest person he’s met, he says, “If I were to scroll through my phone and one phone number would surprise me that it’s somebody that I’m close with or that I even have met, it would still be Gavin DeGraw.  And that’s 100% because his first record is the reason that I decided to start writing songs in the first place.”

Brett admits that the year Gavin’s first album came out, he pretty much stalked him until they eventually met and became friends.  Brett says, “He’s been a full blown mentor every time I have questions or, you know, I’m feeling a little bit worn down or whatever I reach out to him.  I was just texting with him last night and he always says the right thing and he’s always been a really good friend to me.  So it’s pretty crazy to me that the reason that I decided to go into music is somebody that’s become a friend of mine.”

Chances are Brett has been talking to Gavin a lot about how to prepare and what to expect with the release of his own self-titled debut album, which will be released on February 10th, featuring his #1 song, “Sleep Without You” and his latest single, “In Case You Didn’t Know.”

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Brett Young – coolest celebrity meeting  :38

“Like, if I were to scroll through my phone and one phone number would surprise me that it’s somebody that I’m close with or that I even have met, it would still be Gavin DeGraw.  And that’s 100% because his first record is the reason that I decided to start writing songs in the first place. And so I pretty much stalked him for that whole year and was fortunate enough to run into him and get to know him and become friends with him.  And so he’s been a full blown mentor every time I have questions or you know I’m feeling a little bit worn down or whatever I reach out to him.  I was just texting with him last night and he always says the right thing and he’s always been a really good friend to me.  So it’s pretty crazy to me that the reason that I decided to go into music is somebody that’s become a friend of mine.”