When Brian Kelley was in sixth grade, he got invited to a birthday party where they went to see the Backstreet Boys at the House of Blues.  Little did he know that years later, he would end up recording a song with the Backstreet Boys as part of Florida Georgia Line.  It all came together because he says, “Somehow through this crazy journey Nick Carter ended up on our bus during CMA week this summer and we played him ‘God, Your Mama and Me’ and he fell in love with it, shared it with the boys. And the crazy thing about that is we were talking about that song, it was already done, me and Tyler said you know that’s kind of like a modern day Backstreet Boys song.”

Brian says it just goes to show, “You never know what’s going to happen but you know the right song with the right people always seems to happen for us. We’re very blessed that they would put their voices on this song.  It sounds amazing. Hopefully we’ll get to do some award shows or some concerts together or something like that because those boys are amazing. They definitely know what they’re doing and they do it big.”

Florida Georgia Line is currently out on their Dig Your Roots Tour, and they’ve already had Howie from the Backstreet Boys join them on one of their tour stops, and you never know where other members or the entire group may show up on the road.

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Florida Georgia Line – Backstreet Boys on God  :56

“When I was in sixth grade some friends down the street asked if I wanted to go to a birthday party at the House of Blues and see the Backstreet Boys and I said, ‘Absolutely!  Count me in!’ And we rode in a limo randomly enough. I don’t know how that happened it was not with my parents but just had a blast. And I think growin’ up a lot of people loved the Backstreet Boys and they were a huge soundtrack to a long time growing up.  Somehow through this crazy journey Nick Carter ended up on our bus during CMA week this summer and we played him ‘God, Your Mama and Me’ and he fell in love with it, shared it with the boys. And the crazy thing about that is we were talking about that song, it was already done, me and Tyler said you know that’s kind of like a modern day Backstreet Boys song.  You never know what’s going to happen but you know the right song with the right people always seems to happen for us. We’re very blessed that they would put their voices on this song.  It sounds amazing. Hopefully we’ll get to do some award shows or some concerts together or something like that because those boys are amazing. They definitely know what they’re doing and they do it big.”