As Brett Young’s career takes off, with a #1 song, “Sleep Without You,” and his second single, “In Case You Didn’t Know,” already in the top 20, fans are getting to know more about him.  Brett recently shared one funny bit of information about himself that people might not expect.  He says, “I have a 15 pound Pomeranian Chihuahua mix and I’m 6’6”, 230 pounds, and so at any given time, three days a week you can see me walking through Nashville with a little puff ball.”

You might expect Brett to have a manlier dog or a bigger dog like a Lab or a Golden Retriever.  He explains, “It was not my decision but it came out of a relationship that ended and I ended up with the dog,” which apparently has a bit of a bad attitude toward people in general.

Brett says, “As funny as it may look and as terrible of an animal as he is to other people, I have an amazing relationship with him.  So, I got a funny little fluffy dog.”

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Brett Young – little fluffy dog  :24

“I have a 15 pound Pomeranian Chihuahua mix and I’m 6’6”, 230 pounds, and so at any given time, three days a week you can see me walking through Nashville with a little puff ball. It was not my decision but it came out of a relationship that ended and I ended up with the dog. And as funny as it may look and as terrible of an animal as he is to other people, I have an amazing relationship with him.  So, I got a funny little fluffy dog.”