Some people have trouble living in the moment and focusing on the now, but Brett Young says, “I’m actually probably too good at that to the point where like I’m not really looking ahead.  And I didn’t used to be.  It’s in the last couple of years I kind of conditioned myself to be that way.”

Brett says living in the moment was something he actually worked on because he didn’t want life to pass him by without appreciating it.  He says, “With everything that’s going on right now I need to make sure that I’m stopping and looking in and appreciating all of the small successes that we’re having.”

So while some people let things go by in a blur, Brett says, “I think that whole living in the moment thing is something that I’ve got figured out a little bit.”  And it’s that ability to live in the moment that helps him enjoy and celebrate things like the fact that his latest single, “In Case You Didn’t Know,” is about to be his second #1 song.

Brett Young – living in the moment  :25

“I’m actually probably too good at that to the point where like I’m not really looking ahead.  And I didn’t used to be.  It’s in the last couple of years I kind of conditioned myself to be that way. Not just because you can sacrifice the moment by thinking ahead but also just because you know with everything that’s going on right now I need to make sure that I’m stopping and looking in and appreciating all of the small successes that we’re having. So no I think that whole living in the moment thing is something that I’ve got figured out a little bit.”