Florida Georgia Line just scored their latest #1 song with “God, Your Mama and Me,” and when you think about the speed at which their career took off and hasn’t stopped, it’s pretty mind boggling, but the guys feel like they’ve been able to handle it.  Tyler Hubbard says, “I think so. I mean I think it’s been fast for sure. I think it’s taken a lot of adjusting, a lot of figuring it out along the way. But man we love the fast pace man. We love the adjusting.  We love the energy and the excitement of the life that we’re getting to live right now. It is challenging at times but that’s what makes it fun and I think it’s a beautiful thing.”

Brian Kelley recalls some wisdom Jeff Cook of Alabama once shared with him.  Brian says, “He came over and whispered something in my ear and he said ‘enjoy the ride and make adjustments when necessary.’ I was like, ‘what did he just say?’ That was a little piece of gold right there and I think that’s something that we’ve kind of taken and, yeah absolutely, you’re never ready. But I think if you can just make little adjustments, minor adjustments and balance it out, I think you’re fine and I think that’s what we’ve done and just try to enjoy every step of the way and just try to be ourselves.  And we’ve got a really good team around us to balance us out and our wives are absolutely amazing, no doubt about that.”

Florida Georgia Line – ready for speed of career  :55

Tyler Hubbard – “I think so. I mean I think it’s been fast for sure. I think it’s taken a lot of adjusting, a lot of figuring it out along the way. But man we love the fast pace man. We love the adjusting, we love the energy and the excitement of the life that we’re getting to live right now. It is challenging at times but that’s what makes it fun and I think it’s a beautiful thing.”

Brian Kelley – “Jeff Cook from Alabama, they were having a good time at the CMT Artist of the Year. They were having a really good time and he came over and whispered something in my ear and he said ‘enjoy the ride and make adjustments when necessary.’ I was like, ‘what did he just say?’ That was a little piece of gold right there and I think that’s something that we’ve kind of taken and, yeah absolutely, you’re never ready. But I think if you can just make little adjustments, minor adjustments and balance it out, I think you’re fine and I think that’s what we’ve done and just try to enjoy every step of the way and just try to be ourselves.  And we’ve got a really good team around us to balance us out and our wives are absolutely amazing, no doubt about that.”