Brett Young grew up in Southern California, and with his Hollywood good looks you might think he would have tried his hand at acting at some point before his singing career took off, but Brett says, “I did not and I’m a terrible actor. I don’t like to do things that I’m not comfortable doing. So that’s why you’ll never see me dance. I’m a terrible golfer. Charles Kelley (of Lady Antebellum) is like a scratch golfer so he’s told me he’s going to get me out on the course. In fact I’m finally doing it next week. Terrifying It’s gonna be very uncomfortable. Acting is one of those things. It’s a lot of takes to get an expression on my face. We’ll get it but it’s a lot of work. You know I was always the one playing music when all my friends were acting and I’ve always been a skill set that I’ve been jealous of.”

We have a feeling with a little coaching and a little confidence, Brett could be a great actor, based on his performances in his videos, like his new one for “Like I Loved You.”

Brett Young – not an actor  :28

“I did not and I’m a terrible actor. I don’t like to do things that I’m not comfortable doing. So that’s why you’ll never see me dance. I’m a terrible golfer. Charles Kelley is like a scratch golfer so he’s told me he’s going to get me out on the course. In fact I’m finally doing it next week. Terrifying It’s gonna be very uncomfortable. Acting is one of those things. It’s a lot of takes to get an expression on my face. We’ll get it but it’s a lot of work. You know I was always the one playing music when all my friends were acting and I’ve always been a skill set that I’ve been jealous of.”