Brett Young is a good looking bachelor, and some female fans in country music have been known to be a bit bold and aggressive, causing Luke Bryan to implement a ‘no-butt-touching’ policy at his meet and greets, and even causing Faith Hill to stop a show one time to chastise a woman who grabbed her husband, Tim McGraw, inappropriately.  Fortunately, Brett says when it comes to forward female fans, “Nowadays most of that stuff seems to happen more on social media than in person. There are some strange experiences but luckily we’re at the beginning I haven’t had to deal with too much yet.”

He has seen a few proposals and flirtatious messages on signs that fans hold up in concert.  He says, “There are some ‘marry me’ posters every once in a while. Usually they’ll have like some sort of ‘In Case You Didn’t Know’ or ‘I Can’t Sleep Without You, Brett.’”

No doubt fans will come up with clever ways to include Brett’s latest single, “Like I Love You,” into their posters.

Brett Young – forward women  :16

“Nowadays most of that stuff seems to happen more on social media than in person. There are some strange experiences but luckily we’re at the beginning I haven’t had to deal with too much yet. There are some ‘marry me’ posters every once in a while. Usually they’ll have like some sort of ‘In Case You Didn’t Know’ or ‘I Can’t Sleep Without You, Brett.’”