Brett Young has been working on his music career for years, but he’s only been doing it as a signed artist for two years, and he admits that every day is a learning experience.  “I feel like everything that happens on a day to day basis surprises me on some level. There is nothing about this that is anything like what I expected and at the same time it’s kind of everything I ever dreamed of – from how kind and down to earth every artist that I’ve gotten to meet since I’ve gotten here is, to the fact that there’s nothing glamorous at all about the road life.”

Every artist dreams of getting on a tour bus and traveling the country to share their music, and while it’s a dream come true for Brett, he also laughs and says, “You dream about going on tour or being on a bus and you realize what you’ve done is commit to not sleep ever again for the rest of your life. And so everything is surprising but mostly in a good way and everything’s exciting and a blessing.”

Brett is celebrating his third week at #1 with his third single, “Like I Loved You,” which was #1 at the end of 2017 and is kicking off 2018 in the same spot on the chart.  And later today, Brett will be performing a pre-game show in Atlanta before Georgia faces off with Alabama in the College Football Championship game.  The concert will be available as an AT&T Live Stream at att.net/attplayoffplaylist.

Brett Young – surprises of music business  (red carpet audio)  :29

“I feel like everything that happens on a day to day basis surprises me on some level. There is nothing about this that is anything like what I expected and at the same time it’s kind of everything I ever dreamed of – from how kind and down to earth every artist that I’ve gotten to meet since I’ve gotten here is, to the fact that there’s nothing glamorous at all about the road life. You dream about going on tour or being on a bus and you realize what you’ve done is commit to not sleep ever again for the rest of your life. And so everything is surprising but mostly in a good way and everything’s exciting and a blessing.”